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2007 Yamaha R6

Selling for a friend a 2007 Yamaha R6  available with 65,xxx kilometers. bike has been well maintained. This was my buddys first 600 to get into bigger sports bikes. We did a full maintanace to it when we picked it up last spring and we did a fall maintenance to it in October when we stored it for the winter. His reason for selling is that he wants to buy a newer R6. This bike was always brought up to operating temprature of 83° before riding and was used for daily communting as weel as road trips around the okanagan. Will deliver if the right offer is made, will require a fuel charge for delivery.


Oil and coolant recently changed. The bike's been looked after.


They're newer and in good shape. (Bridgestone Battlax S22's)


M4 Slip-On Exhaust

Aftermarket Pegs & Levers

Rear Pegs Delete and Fender Eliminator

HID Headlights

For a Video of the Bike Running Visit:


It's a solid bike, runs well, and is ready for the road. Let me know if you want to check it out or have any questions.

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