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2016 Honda CB500F - $4,700

The Honda CB500F is what I would categorize as the   modern UJM (Universal Japanese Motorcycle) that should be able to do anything and everything. The 500CC engine is tame, but large enough to provide the torque and get-up needed for everyday use. I would venture to say any of the modern Honda 500CC bikes would be the perfect-beginner bike for anyone over 5’10” since they are considered a full-frame-size in comparison to 250, 300, and 400CC street bikes.

I personally bought this bike with the mentality that I will be making this bike a true-UJM and do everything with it. Commuting, track-days, and spirited weekend rides were what I modified the bike to be able to do. I feel this bike did all these things successfully.

NOTE: This bike is a Salvage Title. The previous owner low-sided the bike when braking too hard. Some visible blemishes can be seen in the photos. They purchased the bike back from their insurance company, had a shop thoroughly fix it (it was mainly the crankcase cover that took the beating), and had CHP sign-off on it. I have all the relevant paperwork. My shop also verified that the initial damage was minimal and everything was thoroughly repaired (there was NO frame damage).

I am looking to sell since I am looking to reduce the size of my stable. Unfortunately the CB500F is no longer one of my first go-to bikes anymore.

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